Varicose Vein Removal Adelaide: Non Invasive Varicose Vein Removal Adelaide

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that protrude above the skin surface. They can be painful and uncomfortable. Luckily, many noninvasive varicose vein removal Adelaide treatments are available to you.

Until recently, the only way to reduce varicose veins was surgery that involved cutting out and tying off the problem vein (known as varicose vein stripping). This procedure requires an overnight hospital stay, general anaesthesia, and scars on the legs. For more non invasive varicose vein removal Adelaide, click here.

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

varicose vein removal AdelaideThe vein physicians (phlebologists) at Palm Clinic use ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy as a primary treatment for varicose and spider veins. This technique involves scanning the legs with ultrasound to map out the faulty veins before injecting them with a foamed solution called sclerosant. This irritates the lining wall of the diseased vein, causing it to collapse and close. The body then gradually absorbs the damaged vein over time.

The procedure is quick and relatively painless. Patients may experience light-brown staining over the affected veins, fading slowly over the months following the treatment.

Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for varicose and spider veins, with a low rate of complications. However, some risk factors associated with the procedure should be discussed with your phlebologist. These include a small risk of blood clots in the leg (DVT) and possible allergic reactions to the sclerosant. Your phlebologist will discuss these issues with you at your consultation.

Foam Sclerotherapy

Foam sclerotherapy uses a mix of the drug (sclerosant) with air, which is then injected into varicose veins via ultrasound guidance. The foam destroys the lining of the vein, causing it to close. The body naturally begins to break down the dead tissue over time, gradually disappearing the varicose veins. For more non invasive varicose vein removal Adelaide, click here.

This noninvasive procedure avoids the need for hospital admission and surgery, resulting in less pain and downtime. It is recommended for people with C2 to C6 venous disease and large varicosities.

After the treatment, your leg will be covered with a pressure bandage and elastic stocking, which you should wear for 2-3 days. You can usually return to your daily activities after the treatment. Still, you must avoid standing or sitting for long periods and elevating the leg whenever possible. You may experience some pain or a “phlebitis” feeling along the treated vein, which can be alleviated with prescription anti-inflammatories. Occasionally, a pale brown colour can appear on the skin where the varicose veins were injected. This will gradually fade over six months.

Endovenous Laser Ablation

Varicose veins occur when tiny one-way valves within your veins become damaged, causing blood to flow backward and pool in the vein. This can force the vein to stretch, elongate and twist, resulting in painful and visible varicosities. It is caused by a condition known as chronic venous disease, and it can be made worse by pregnancy, prolonged periods of standing or excessive weight.

EVLT is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to close off varicose veins. It involves making a small incision in the leg and inserting a catheter, which is guided to the damaged vein using ultrasound. A laser or radiofrequency probe is inserted into the catheter to generate heat that permanently seals the varicose vein. For more non invasive varicose vein removal Adelaide, click here.

After the EVLT procedure, patients may experience temporary bruising and swelling in the treated area. However, this is not a severe side effect and can be managed with simple pain relief such as paracetamol. During recovery, we encourage patients to wear compression socks to boost circulation and prevent blood clots from forming in the legs.


Varicose veins are enlarged and dilated in the legs with a bluish-purple discolouration. They have one-way valves to allow blood to flow in only one direction. When these valves fail, the veins enlarge and become varicose.

Varicose Vein Treatment is a time-tested procedure that involves micro-injections of a specialised formula directly into the varicose veins to obliterate them. The body then naturally absorbs the vein remnants, leaving you with clearer skin and healthier blood flow.